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Miss Kenya Germany 2018 Frankfurt Edition

Autorenbild: Brenda SeverinBrenda Severin

Hello lovelies,

I am honored to have worked with Miss Kenya Germany 2018 Team as the runway Coach and as Makeup Stylist assisted by the lovely Ellen Koema. What should i say other than i am grateful. God's blessings are endless. Whatever you are good at, put efforts and just keep on doing it because one day the Most High God will show you how to use your talent. I am more than humbled to have worked with the beautiful MKG 2018 contestants. These ladies are awesome. Donata, the creater of MKG, you are an Inspiration to many of us women out here. I love your spirit and vibes. I had so much fun training the girls.Just giving them some tips on how to rock the runway and most importand they should know, they are the Queens. There is a saying that goes, you are blessed so you can bless others. I am happy to share my passion with you lovely ladies out there.

And now as the year is coming to an end, i thank God for 2018, it has been incredible and 2019 smells like a bunch of blessings. Stay healthy, happy, peaceful and ofcoz fabulous. Merry Chistmas and Happy New Year from me to you and your love ones.


Brenda Severin

Left-Right: Rosemary W. Ngugi, Elenah W. Wambugu, Julie Abok and Getrude Sikuku.

Getting the runway ready for my queens.

And yes they were ready for the runway.

It was beautiful watching Julie and Getrude prepairing for their traditional Dance. This reminded me of my time way back in School.

With Donata Burmester ( the founder of Miss Kenya Germany ). What an inspiring Soul.

With the Queen Bosses, Donata Burmester and Ellen Koema ( Hairstylist and owner of Ellen`s Hair Gallery ). Queens empower Queens.

Surround yourself with peolpe who are going to fill your cup until it is running over.

And we were ready to glam our beautiful ladies .

Glamming the one and only Fashion Designer Florence Oriwo

My face too serious when am working ......jokes aside.

She is so beautiful.

Lovely Pauline with the Event host Mercy Odhiambo .

Luxury Hair by Ellen's Hair Gallery.

Most people use a brush to apply primer but i prefer my hands.

Glamming the lovely Rosemary.

I love what i do. And i do what i love.

Welcome to our Glam Up Parlour. Where all the glam was taking place.

Boss lady Ellen giving Julie's legs some magic glow.

Just some final touches .

Julie Abok, tall beautiful, strong Lady. I love her confidence.

Getrude, my black Beauty. She was shy and very humble.

True definition of Beauty.

Elenah getting her final touches [ lady in red ].

And we got them looking fabulous ( african beauties ).

Julie& Getrude's traditional Dance.

Elenah and Rosemary representing their traditional Dance.

Her beauty glows from within.

Ciru Fashion Design [ elegant ].

And then it was that time of the evening to crown the winner.

And the winner is Rosemary. Congratulations girl.

Thank you Donata for having me on board. This has been an awesome experience for me.

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