A father that came into our lives at the perfect time.
Not only you gave us a roof over our head but you motivated and inspired us.
You loved my sister and I unconditionally. You are/were a man with a big heart,
who have also taught me to love and give freely to those in need. You have taught me,
to be strong no matter which situation I find myself. You believed on my star and papa,
I am who I am because of your love. You showed me the way to my life, you told me to
enjoy its' adventure and live it to the fullest. Papa, I promise to make you proud.
I am missing our calls but I know you are watching over us. You are our guardian angel.
I will forever love you. My Papa, my hero, may the Lord find you a better place on the other side.
The heaven is blessed with an angel.

Yes, I am papa's girl.

Papa when he first visited me in Munich. So proud showing him my beautiful city.

Me, my sister and papa on my trip back to Germany.

At home in Mtwapa, you always had everything under Control.

Linda, it's always hard to say goodbye.

When love is all you know.

Our guardian angel,